Explore the Network | Choreographic Lineage

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In Choreographic Lineage Network
You can search, filter, and explore our data!
To get started with the tutorial, click "Get Started".
Tutorial Chapter I: Search
  • Search

  • Visualization Network

  • Filter

When searching the network, you can enter one or more search terms in the
search interface on the left hand side.
You have skipped or completed parts of the tutorial previously.
Do you want to re-try the tutorial?
Welcome to the Choreographic Lineage Network!
Would you like to learn how to explore the network?
(Next time you can use the [Tutorial] button on the left to redo it.)
You have completed the search functionality chapter of the tutorial.
Do you want to continue where you left off?
You have completed the network chapter of the tutorial.
Do you want to continue where you left off?
Here are all of the available chapters that you can review.
Which Functionality would you like to review again?
Tutorial Chapter III: Filter
  • Search

  • Visualization Network

  • Filter

Want to further refine your search? No problem, you can filter your search results
using the filter bar above the network area.
Click "Add Filter" button above

Tutorial Chapter III: Filter
  • Search

  • Network

  • Filter

Click "Filter by Genre".
Tutorial Chapter III: Filter
  • Search

  • Network

  • Filter

Let's filter Contemporary or Modern! Click "Next"
Tutorial Chapter III: Filter
  • Search

  • Network

  • Filter

Now, click "Filter"
Click "Filter".
End of All Chapters
  • Search

  • Visualization Network

  • Filter

Congratulations, you have successfully added a "Contemporary or Modern" genre filter to your search results!
All the people you see in the network are in the "Contemporary or Modern" genre .
You have finished all tutorials!
Tutorial Chapter I: Search
  • Search

  • Visualization Network

  • Filter

Let's take a look at Melanie Aceto's network
We have filled it out for you!
Tutorial Chapter I: Search
  • Search

  • Visualization Network

  • Filter

Now click "Search" on the left.

Next Chapter: Visualization Network
  • Search

  • Visualization Network

  • Filter

Your search result will appear in the network screen below.
Let's go to the next Chapter and see how it works.
Add a filter to your search results below:
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